Monday, 30 May 2011

It's been nearly 3 weeks . . . . .

. . . . and things have moved on

a little.

We have put some battens up for the plasterboard. (it's taking a lot longer than I thought)

We've started to install the ventilation system (It too is taking longer than we thought)

The first fix electrics are in

and the floor insulation is in 

ready for the heating and hot water installation. (and the windows are protected for tomorrows underfloor heating and screed)

We've even marked out the kitchen units.

It's all looking good apart from . . . . . .

a little problem . . . .

in  . .

the . . .


We'd assummed this was the last of the winters rain drying out. It had been sat under the piles of ground floor (blue) insulation for months so it seemed a fair assumption.

But todays rain revealed this

which became this within an hour

So now it's back to the groundworks contractors to sort it out, but I don't think they're capable.

We'll have to wait and see.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Sunday, 8 May 2011


Can you see the scaffold? Of course you can and last time I wrote I told you it would be down to allow the windows to be fitted.

We it's still up, but the windows are in. You can see the front door if you look closely.

But it's the dining window which is the biggest news

This is the glass door, just as tall, but slightly narrower that the main window units

Here are the first 2 of the 5 dining window units

and from the outdside

finally this evening saw the last unit installed

With this window and the front entrance complete, the only way in now is through the new back door.

A beautiful creation in OSB

with a beautiful plastic pull handle.

and throughout all this work Alex has been picking up habits from the builders

We've also started to install the battens to the internal walls ready for the plasterboard, but to make my blog enteries more frequent, I'll make tell you more of that next time.